Artwork - Kapi Tjukula
Artist: Margaret Richards
Size: 420x240cm (installed October 2021)
Medium: Acrylic on Belgian Linen
The circles in this painting represent the many rockholes (tjukula) throughout Margaret’s country. Margaret is from Pipalyatjara in the APY Lands and is an important Ngangkari (traditional doctor) in the region. Pipalyatjara is in the far north-west of South Australia right near the border with Western Australia. It is culturally significant country and Margaret says ‘I hold a lot of important stories and knowledge for that country, from my family line and in my work as Ngangkari. Some of the most important knowledge is around water, the location and sacred properties of water sources throughout my country. This is why I paint tjukula, because water in the desert is so important to Anangu.’
About the Artist
Margaret was born 1 July 1957 in her country around the community of Pipalyatjara. She is the daughter of acclaimed APY artist Harry Tjutjuna, who passed away in May 2019, having had a hugely successful artistic career first at Ernabella Arts and then at Ninuku Arts. Margaret moved to Adelaide around 2003. Margaret has a natural gift, which has been apparent ever since her first day painting at the APY studio in May 2019. Margaret’s markmaking and aesthetic has similarities with her father’s even though she is painting different Tjukurpa (story).